Adrienne Telemaque
Physical therapist
Adrienne Telemaque is an American licensed physical therapist with a Bachelor’s diploma in Physical therapy from New York University. She has danced professionally with the San Francisco Ballet, Eglevsky Ballet, New York City Opera and in Broadway musicals in New York city. She has combined her professional dance and physical therapy knowledge to create Strength training programs specially for the student and professional dancers. Adrienne has treated and provided Pilates training sessions for the Los Angeles Ballet , Cirque du Soleil , Ballet Theater Basel, and Zurich Ballett. She is also an educator and has taught Anatomy for the pre professional student dancer at the Huber Weidermann Schule Gymnastik Diplomschule in Basel. In 2020-2022 Adrienne joined the physical therapy team at Crossklinik Swiss Olympic Medical Center and implemented the Pilates Physical therapy program with the reformer apparatus.