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Professional Program

Become a professional dancer with us

The professional program is dedicated to students between 12 and 19 years old with aspirations to become professional dancers.
Together with my team of teachers they will have a personalised follow-up with classes in Ballet, Pointe, Contemporary, Pilates, Yoga and Theatre.
We will offer you the possibility to have a physical follow-up with the experienced kinesiologists and trainers of Corpo Sana Basel.
You will also have the possibility to prepare for shows, competitions and auditions with the goal of dancing as professional dancers.

Program description

Preparation for competitions with the agreement of the staff.

Semestral evaluation of usual level.

Possibility for partial scholarship.

Final performance at the end of the school year.

Ages 12-19 Between 10 to 15 weekly hours depending on the level.

Ballet classes, barre and center work, physical preparation, pointes work, repertoire and contemporary classes with qualified professionals.

Our students

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Anais Rodriguez

🇨🇺 Cuban

13 years old

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Carlota Fijo

🇪🇸 Spanish

19 years old

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Anaïse Mercet

🇫🇷 French

14 years old

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Clementine Revel

🇫🇷 French

14 years old

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Ashley Burks

🇯🇵 Japan

18 years old

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Elena Lai

🇨🇭 Swiss

21 years old

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Benjamin Ruppert

🇺🇸 American & 🇨🇭 Swiss

15 years old

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Elina Hörler

🇨🇭 Swiss

14 years old


Audition request

Complete the form to request an audition with us.

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Upload a video

Thank you for applying!

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